Apreciados Amigos de la Clinica,
It’s amazing how one simple idea – providing help to a community in Nicaragua – transformed into this model private health clinic. The fact is our clinic is evolving wonderfully since we started this project in 2003. It’s become so much more than we ever imagined. It’s improved the lives of many locals and visitors with emergency and ongoing care.
The Roberto Clemente-Santa Ana Health Clinic has truly become the gold standard of private health clinics in all of Central America. Many visitors to this region tell me they are greatly impressed by the Clinic’s team, expanded services and facilities, volunteer participation and community support. I am proud to be a part of the clinic’s mission:
To improve health care in Nicaragua, starting with the communities
surrounding Limon and Rancho Santana.
The clinic’s mission remains strong and focused for 2010. And while we are always thankful for donations, I wanted to personally let you know that the economic recession hasn’t faltered our resolve to accomplish our goals or our budget. If anything, it has made us more resourceful and more determined to show the clinic community that we will not close our doors. We want to be there for them always, so they know that they can depend on us in good times and bad.
This annual report again verifies how capable the clinic team is in providing primary care, preventative medicine and emergency help to those in need—as well as educating the local residents on better health care practices.
As a supporter of the Roberto Clemente Santa Ana Health Clinic, you are an essential part of our success. Thank you so much for your participation and donations. Your caring is always present in our hearts and minds.
With deep appreciation,
Julia C. Guth
Chair of the Board
To download the complete report please click here.