Dear Friend of the Clinic,
Today is #GivingTuesdayNow – a new global day of giving and unity as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. And we have a matching gift that can double the impact of your support today.
Nicaragua is the second-poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, and The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic is critical to the communities of the southwestern coastal region of this poor country.
A global threat like COVID-19 touches every person on the planet, and it presents an opportunity to come together as a global community.
We are continuing to monitor the emerging pandemic situation in Nicaragua.
We have implemented a contingency prevention plan based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization. And we have executed our own protocols to provide attention and prevent cross contamination in our communities. The Clinic’s COVID-19 measures to prevent cross contamination within our staff and our patients includes washing stations, the provision of personal protective equipment for staff, a designated outside waiting area for patients and an isolation tent to provide attention to patients with a fever.
Moreover, we are creating outreach activities focused on education, including talks and practical sessions to bring awareness to the community. Our main focuses are proper hand-washing, use of antiseptics, use of masks, isolation of people with a fever and social distancing.
Our Clinic staff is also reaching remote communities with the goal of providing free medical attention and medicines. These direct services started on April 24, 2020, in the community of El Lajal – where people from the nearby communities of El Remate, Sanchez and Virgen Morena assisted as well. Our Clinic team provided medical attention to 128 people, offered educational talks and provided 42 families with food packages that were donated by Isabel Curry, a longtime local supporter of our Clinic.
Yes, I will support the NicaClinic on #GivingTuesdayNow.
Now more than ever, we are happy and honored to partner with other nongovernmental organizations that are supporting our Clinic programs, such as Terre des Hommes Italia, American Nicaraguan Foundation, Saint Stephen’s Charitable Fund, Fundación Padre Fabretto, CREA, FunLimón and Latter-day Saint Charities. With our partners, we have strengthened the community network to benefit Tola’s communities.
A great illustration of what we are able to accomplish thanks to our current partnerships, with Latter-day Saint Charities for instance, is the opportunity to finalize the implementation of a new septic tank, fix and replace part of the Clinic’s roof, and start a project for providing medicines to children and adults in need.
We understand that COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving disease, and we are committed to carefully monitoring the situation in Nicaragua and regulating our current actions as the disease advances.
Contribute to our Clinic now.
For #GivingTuesdayNow, The Oxford Club* will match 100% of your donation. That means your contribution will have double the impact when you donate today!
(*The Oxford Club is providing up to $50,000 total in matching funds on the donation page.)
Our Clinic has become the emergency clinic and wellness center for the entire region. Please check out our quarterly report here to find out the latest news about our programs.
Our Clinic serves tens of thousands of patients in the surrounding poor Nicaraguan communities each year.
We urgently need your support to continue providing a healthy environment for this impoverished community and for Clinic staff. We serve thousands of families each year. The locals rely on us for their healthcare – now more than ever.
Support our programs today.
The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic is supported primarily by individual donations. We have a matching program through The Oxford Club. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in Maryland, so all your donations are tax-deductible. We accept funds through PayPal, where you can also donate with your credit card. We accept stock donations as well. To donate, please click here.
Julia C. Guth
Chair of the Board, The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic
[email protected]
P.S. We are happy to announce that we are working on an exciting project to raise support and awareness for our Clinic – an All-Star Recipe Book featuring delicious, easy and healthy recipes from our favorite organizations around the world.
If you donate $250 this year, we will automatically send you an online copy when the recipe book is available this summer. If you donate $500 or more, we will send you a printed copy as our thank you!