Our US Office
105 West Monument Street
Baltimore, Maryland
1 kilometro antes de Limon 1
Carratera Tola-Salinas,
Nicaragua: 011-505-8887-7413

Make a Donation


Make a Holiday Wish Come True
for This Impoverished Village

Help give a life-saving gift − in time for Christmas…

Dear Friend of the Nicaraguan Community,

Imagine living in a tropical land where the sun rises over rolling hills every morning, and sets behind a brilliant kaleidoscope of water every night.


The people of Nicaragua live in such a place. But for most, the paradise ends there.

If you look closer… beyond the stunning shoreline… past the picturesque landscape of palm trees and hibiscus… the picture is more grim.

Fate placed these gentle people less than 2,000 miles south of the United States, in the second poorest country in the western hemisphere. For young people of Nicaragua, even something as simple as the stomach flu could be a death sentence.


The same goes for asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, and pneumonia.

For all the beauty surrounding the isolated coastal village of Limon and 27 surrounding communities, the friendly and peaceful villagers are deprived of basic things like clean running water, inhalers, insulin, over-the-counter or prescription medicines, and life-saving treatments.

Luckily, for the residents of the isolated area of Southwest Nicaragua, there is The Roberto Clemente – Santa Ana Health Clinic.

Who is the Clinic named for?
Roberto Clemente was a right fielder for the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1955 to 1972, when he died in a plane crash while trying to help the victims of a devastating earthquake in Nicaragua. He provides a selfless example that we try to follow in our healthcare mission.

We were honored to have Roberto Clemente Jr. visit his father’s namesake this year – a special treat for these baseball loving citizens.

There, Dr. Julio Flores and a small team work tirelessly, offering preventative healthcare and emergency services to thousands of men, women, and children of all ages.

Babies are born here when mothers don’t have time to make it to the distant hospital in Rivas. Children get vaccinations that prevent disease and illness. Dental, eye, and gynecological exams have people lining up out the door.

And no child or elderly person is ever turned away if they can’t pay. All others pay on a scale based their ability. But everyone who walks through the door gets medical treatment.

We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with a small regular staff that is completely dependent on gifts from generous people. Please give me a few minutes to explain why we need your caring support today. The one, greatest thing the people who depend on our clinic desperately need… And how, with your help, we can get it to these deprived villagers by Christmas.

Tremendous People Fallen
on Hard Times…

The people who live in the villages surrounding The Roberto Clemente – Santa Ana Health Clinic are a poor yet hardworking people. Most are small families of three to five people and if you asked, most would say they have a happy family life.


They don’t know the hustle and bustle of our high-tech, busy world. They live in small shacks with dirt floors. They get water from a local well and cook their food over a fire. They don’t have doctors in every town, or pharmacies, or super-stores. Nor can they call 911 for emergencies. Things we tend to take for granted.

Roughly four million people live in rural areas of the country – over two million below the poverty line. The government cannot afford to provide adequate health care, education, and infrastructure. What public health care there is falls short due to a lack of well-trained doctors and run-down facilities.

33% of children have some degree of chronic malnutrition. Enteritis and other diarrheal diseases are among the leading causes of death in the country. Pneumonia, tetanus, and measles (largely among children under five) account for 10% of all deaths in the country. Respiratory infections are the number one problem in the rural communities, followed by urinary infections, parasites, fungal infections, and diabetes – diseases that can be easily prevented and overcome with a simple vaccination or medicine.

Wikileaks cables reveal secret budget cuts to social welfare programs:

Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega introduced new ‘social welfare’ programs in 2007, but Wikileaks cables show that despite financial problems and withdrawal of resources, the government is lying to the public, telling them that its support programs are sound.

So when our 1,340 square-foot primary care and triage facility opened in 2004, the need was great and the response was overwhelming. And thanks to individual donations and our corporate matching program, we’ve come a long way since we first opened our doors.

Because the citizens of rural Nicaragua truly have nowhere else to turn.

Putting Every Penny to
Good Use…

With over 11,000 patients seen last year (up 13% from 2009), it can be hard to keep up with the demand. But through the help of our determined staff, generous volunteers, and donors, we refuse to let down anyone in need.


Last summer, we finally acquired an ambulance. It serves as the main transportation system for trauma patients and it’s extremely helpful to pregnant women ready to deliver or in critical condition.

This past winter we were able to build an entrance that increases the safety of our clinic and provides shelter from both sun and rain for waiting patients.

Also in 2010:

  • 137 cases of critical trauma, emergencies, and open wounds were treated.
  • Dr. Flores performed 62 internal surgeries.
  • Four healthy babies were delivered – at night, when there was not

    In 2010 we donated $53,000 in medicine back to the community.

    enough time to get to the hospital.

  • More than 300 houses were fumigated in Limon.
  • We facilitated the visit of Dr. Chris Allaman who gave free ophthalmological consultation to 49 people. He performed 18 eye surgeries and provided prescription lenses to 182 people in the community.
  • We received portable dental equipment and a group of 15 dentists provided service to 567 patients in one week.

We established a 24/7 schedule and increased our lab services. A total of 2,461 exams were performed.

With the help of volunteers, we’re giving English classes, education about public health issues, and general pediatric check-ups.

We’re proud of our accomplishments, but our work is never done. In fact, it’s only growing. That’s why we desperately need continued support.

Our Greatest Need Right Now…

The thing we’re most desperate for is a portable ultrasound machine.

medical station

Buying one pre-owned from a reputable medical equipment dealer will offer us substantial savings over buying new, but they are still $35,000 – more than the clinic can afford on its own.

This critical piece of equipment is a game-changer when it comes to searching for, diagnosing, studying, and treating various diseases or medical conditions. Most people think of an ultrasound for a pregnant woman and yes, that’s a big part of it. But it will be used for much, much more.

We are looking to raise $500 from 70 donors before the December holidays – or $250 from 140 donors. If everyone receiving this letter donates this season, we can reach our goal and buy the ultrasound machine before Christmas. It would be a dream come true to present this vital piece of diagnostic equipment to the Clinic in time for the holidays this year. Can you help us?

Your donation will help us provide more accurate breast and OB/GYN exams. Cardiac functions like echocardiograms, possibly preventing heart attacks. Measure blood flow and detect clots in veins, or artery blocks. Evaluate the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, and prostate.


From checking swollen joints – to discovering and tracking potential tumors.

Unfortunately, we can’t just order one off the Internet and have it delivered. There’s the cost, of course, and government rules that restrict how and what we bring into the country.

But the community is pleading for this life-saving service, so it’s our #1 goal for the Clinic this year. Modern equipment like this in a rural Central American community could save literally hundreds of lives.

The Best Way to See Where Your Donation Goes:
Whether you’re in the healthcare field, a social worker, student, teacher, lawyer, or just someone who wants to get a little
more hands on in your giving, you are welcome to visit.

Visit www.dev.nicaclinic.org
for more information

I know that there are many large global charities and organizations out there to give money to. Perhaps you have; you write a check and have no idea where it goes when it leaves your bank account. The problems seem so big, and so far away. And you may wonder, does your contribution help?

Of course it does. But when you donate to The Roberto Clemente – Santa Ana Health Clinic, you receive clear knowledge of where your money, time, supplies, and equipment are going. You can see the faces of the people you are helping.

Ours is a 24/7 Commitment…

I realize there are many charities that ask for your help around Thanksgiving and Christmas time… when we’re feeling grateful for what we have and sad for those that are without.

doc and baby

But I’m beseeching you to take a moment today, and give what you can to our little clinic by the sea. So we can reach our goal in time to get the much needed ultrasound equipment and deliver it to the Clinic for the holidays. I would love to be able to send you a special New Year’s card with a photo showing the delight on the faces of the community when we present this surprise… thanks to your support.

We currently don’t have any grants or large sources of income. Each year we have to ask for help from as many people as we can… to “knock on doors” or “pass the hat.” And every little bit adds up to something life changing.

How You Can Help Today…


The ultrasound machine is our most critical wish list item right now. And our corporate matching program with The Oxford Club LLC and Agora Inc. will provide the funds for training and continued technical support. Your contribution of $500, together with another 70 donors, or $250, along with another 140 donors, will get us there quicker, and give us a better chance of getting the equipment to the Clinic by the end of the year.

Please Click Here and view the different gift levels available.

All donations are tax-deductible (at least we know they are if you donate in 2011)!

On behalf of the clinic staff, the board of directors, and the thousands of citizens that will benefit from your gift, I sincerely thank you.

My warmest regards,

Julia Guth
Chair of the Board
The Roberto Clemente – Santa Ana Health Clinic

P.S. Your financial gift now will help the Clinic acquire the desperately needed ultrasound machine. We’d love to be able to present it as a Christmas gift, to get ready for 2012 by providing greatly improved breast and OB/GYN exams, echocardiograms, blood flow tests, and also better evaluate the health of vital organs in men and women of all ages. Please don’t delay in supporting this important diagnostic service for the impoverished coastal communities in Southwest Nicaragua.