Press Release- Limon1, Nicaragua
Baltimore: Thanks to the generous donations from our supporters, The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic has been able to expand our medical team by hiring a new physician, Dr. Sebastian Villalta. This addition means that we now have second doctor on board to cover the busiest days of the week and also providing consultation during the weekends. It is the first time since we opened our doors in 2004 that we will be able to have full medical and nursing services 24/7!
On Fridays, Dr. Villalta’s will cover general patient services, allowing for Dr. Flores to concentrate solely on seeing patients who require ultrasound services.
Dr. Villalta received his general degree from U.N.A.N, medical degree from U.N.A.N. He specialized in gynecology and obstetrics at Hospital Bertha Colón and in pediatrics at Hospital Fernando Vélez Paiz. He has worked at many different hospitals throughout the country of Nicaragua, and has over twenty years of experience. He has received high evaluative marks in his initial performance at our clinic.
Doctor Villalta, left, Martha Miranda right working with patients at our Clinic.
Dr. Villalta is an addition to the new health resources we are bringing to our community, such as Ultrasound, Pediatric, Dental Services and Laboratory services, which are provided once a week.
Our Clinic, located at the south west of the country – Limon1 Rivas, Nicaragua – also treats emergency and life threatening cases where our team can stabilize a patient while they are transported to the main hospital in Rivas Nicaragua. We depend of your donations to maintain this project and to continue proving the health care to remote community. To send your donation please visit this link.