Our US Office
105 West Monument Street
Baltimore, Maryland
1 kilometro antes de Limon 1
Carratera Tola-Salinas,
Nicaragua: 011-505-8887-7413

November 2006 Newsletter

Queridos amigos,

As the winter rapidly approaches us here, things in the land of lakes and volcanoes are far from cooling off. Recent Nicaraguan presidential elections have stirred up fear in the media around the globe…however; everything is stable albeit busy at our health Clinic. Dr. Flores and his team will have our complete support no matter who leads within the country.

Dr. Flores and his team have been busy around the community! To make certain elderly residents receive medical evaluations, the medical team make about five house calls per month. For younger generations, Dr. Flores and Amparo Chavez, an administrative manager, visit local schools on the last Friday of every month. During their visits, they give out donated supplies to the students. These supplies include: toothbrushes, books, notepads and pencils. The recently developed education program teaches the teenagers on sex-ed, community health, hygiene, and the importance of safe sex. The law on abortion in Nicaragua is one of the strictest in the hemisphere, so Dr. Flores and Amparo stress the magnitude of protection. They try to visit 2-3 schools each time. These visits are well received- Dr. Flores and Amparo have received numerous thank you letters for their time, teachings and donation of supplies.

Recently, Dr. Flores has seen some intense injuries. On October 31, an employee from Rancho Santana came to the Clinic with severe trauma to his face. The facial muscles on the left side of his face were completely exposed to the bone and loosened. The patient also presented severe trauma to the left eye and cranium. The attending physician, Dr. Flores, performed an emergency procedure to stabilize the patient until he was transported to the main hospital. And previously, on October 2, Elías Cabrera, age 42, suffered a partial amputation of two toes on his right foot. Tendons and bone were exposed. Dr. Flores performed several stages of minor surgery to re-construct the toe. The patient is recovering well. The proximity of the Clinic to Rancho Santana also benefits patients who suffer allergic reactions. A local worker at the ranch was recently taking surf lessons and suddenly was stung by a jellyfish. Scared and practically breathless, she rushed to the clubhouse. One of her colleagues drove her right to the clinic – within 15 minutes Dr. Flores counteracted the allergic reaction with a shot and an IV.

This holiday season we will be launching another fundraising campaign via the Internet. We welcome you to donate (http://dev.nicaclinic.org/donate.html)! With 800-1000 patients per month, the Clinic is at capacity and we need more funds to expand. Dr. Flores has compiled a list of equipment that the clinic will also need to sustain its success. Of those treated, 50% receive treatment for free and the rest pay a minimal fee. They are coming from 30 communities in the Tola township! As many of you know, just two years ago we were only treating Limon I and Limon II, the neighboring communities to the clinic. We are proud how well the clinic is functioning and how well it is received in the community. It could not have evolved without your support.

With the donations, we can continue to treat for free or for a little fee. Better still we can continue to offer modern services and a clean, healthy facility – something that most other rural clinics can’t provide in Central America.

For future plans, we hope to offer optometry services. Also, we’d like to rally other local developments and form a co-op to ensure future support for the clinic.

We are hoping to rally other local developments and form a co-op to ensure future support for the clinic.

The Clinic also serves as a pharmacy to the communities. Many of you have contacted me offering to donate medicines and such. Please note that we cannot accept expired medications. They will not be accepted at customs. For information on how to donate, contactJuan Muñoz  at [email protected] or call 1-410-223-2693

Margie Fincham, a nurse practitioner from Sacramento, California, is our new volunteer Healthcare Manager. Margie will work on getting donations from the U.S. to the clinic, maybe a grant in the future and also the involvement of other local developments and the clinic. Margie has volunteered her services numerous times at the clinic. She was even on-hand this summer when we reached our highest number of patients in one day! She had this to say, “You wouldn’t believe how much the clinic is growing.

TODAY when I left the Clinic at 3:30 pm, we had already seen 115 patients.  We had two rooms in use for consultorio for about three hours.  Most of the days we are seeing from 60 to 80 patients a day.  Folks are coming from Popoya and Tola and everywhere in between.” Needless to say, we are thrilled to have her on board.

Watch your mailbox for information on now to donate for 2006(get a tax deduction)and receive a special holiday gift as our thank you!

Best regards,

Joemma Berberich,
U.S. Assistant Manager
Roberto Clemente Santa Ana Clinic Inc
Phone: 410-223-2630
Email: [email protected]