San Francisco State University Nursing Students Join Efforts to Increase Outreach Capabilities in Poor Community
Limón, Nicaragua: The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic is pleased to announce the recent visit of San Francisco State University nursing students who joined our Volunteer Program Overseas to expand our outreach program in the underprivileged community of Limon.

They visited local public schools and taught the children proper hand washing, dental hygiene, and the importance of hair washing to prevent head lice. To complement the training, the nursing students distributed toothpaste and toothbrushes to the children.
Local teenagers received education on sexual and reproductive health, birth control methods, and sexually transmitted diseases, which are vital because teen pregnancy in Latin America is on the rise.
Inside the clinic, the nursing students educated the Diabetic Club on proper care of diabetic wounds and the importance of nutrition and exercise. They also assisted the Nicaraguan medical staff with taking vital signs, assessing patients, suturing, giving injections, and insertion of intravenous catheters. The program not only works for medical volunteers but also any career or professionals can join.

A trip to Nicaragua is not complete without experiencing the beautiful culture. The SFSU students found time to enjoy the gorgeous beaches, taste the Nicaraguan food, and experience traditional dance. Volunteer Abroad is a regarding experience that cannot be compared with any other opportunity to help people.

The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic provides health care to over 12,000 underprivileged Nicaraguans per year. The clinic provides general and emergency medical care, dental care, ambulatory surgery, lab work, and preventative health education. The clinic also provides volunteer opportunities for health professionals and students of all levels. Volunteering at The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic is the perfect way to combine benevolence with medical education.
For more information about The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic, click here or call Juan Muñoz at 410-369-0512.