For the past eight years, we have received support from many local and international foundations, especially American Nicaragua Foundation (ANF), which has provided medicines and equipment to our Clinic and other health organizations in Nicaragua.
ANF also provides help during emergencies. For instance, when Tropical Storm Nate hit the area last October, ANF supported the community by donating clothes and medicines to the Clinic.
Our Nutrition Program to fight malnutrition is also supported by ANF. The foundation provides “MannaPacks” for each child in our Padrino Program, as well as grains, cereals and other food supplements to other members of the family. Overall, 46 families and more than 220 people are benefiting from this great initiative.
In February, we signed a Cooperation Agreement with ANF, which will bring many benefits to our Clinic, such as…
- Starting 10 new organic gardens – five in 2018 and five in 2019
- Assigning a nutritionist as a project facilitator to support the nutrition activities carried out by the Clinic in the area of prevention and nutrition education
- Providing five glucometers plus HbA1c processor equipment and reagents for diabetics
- Purchasing a motorcycle as an additional mode of transportation to facilitate access to our various communities.
We greatly appreciate the support ANF gives us, and we are excited for future joint projects that will continue to improve the health and education of Tola’s residents.