Our US Office
105 West Monument Street
Baltimore, Maryland
1 kilometro antes de Limon 1
Carratera Tola-Salinas,
Nicaragua: 011-505-8887-7413

Toms shoes in Nicaragua

Roberto Clemente Health Clinic Brings TOMS Shoes to Children in Need in Nicaragua


Contact: Juan Muñoz @ 410-369-0512

Thousands of children in need who live in the remote communities of southwest Nicaragua are receiving new shoes this week, thanks to TOMS and TOMS Giving Partner Roberto Clemente Health Clinic. Through TOMS One for One™ business model, TOMS gives a new pair of shoes to a child in need, with every pair of shoes purchased.

The Roberto Clemente Clinic staff traveled to more than 50 schools in 27 communities in late July and early August to give TOMS Shoes to students of all ages from elementary through high school. Many of the children who live in the isolated villages of Limon and surrounding communities walk long distances on dirt roads to get to school and can’t afford to buy new shoes.

“We are so thankful for these shoes, which are a fundamental resource for protecting children from rough terrain, infection and diseases,” said Juan Muñoz, Executive Director of the Roberto Clemente Health Clinic. “Children who are healthy are more likely to be successful students, and we know that access to education is critical to their long-term success.”

Giving TOMS Shoes is just one of the ways Nicaclinic is working to improve the health of residents who live along the rugged Pacific coastline in southwest Nicaragua. In addition to supplying free and low-cost medical care to more than 10,000 patients each year, the clinic strives to educate the community about better health, as well as prevent diseases, cure viruses and treat injuries and chronic health problems that are endemic to this part of the world, where running water and flushing toilets are still quite rare.

Nicaclinic relies on the generous donations of individuals and organizations to continue to provide emergency and primary care. The clinic’s volunteer program connects medical, student and other volunteers with hands-on opportunities to work with patients and members of the community. And the Padrino Program allows participants to sponsor a child and make a monthly donation to their health and educational needs.

For more information about the Roberto Clemente Health Clinic and TOMS, please visit http://www.dev.nicaclinic.org and http://www.toms.com.

105 West Monument Street – Baltimore – MD 20201