Dear Padrino,
Buenos días! We would like to thank you for being part of our program. Your sponsored child continues his/her studies at the local school. We will have reports about his/her performance very soon.
I was touched to receive all of the reply emails regarding the healthcare report for your child. Yes, it is heartbreaking to find out that many of the children in our program are suffering from anemia, malnutrition and other issues related to lack of food. But with your support, we will continue to address their nutritional needs and improve their health.
We recently provided a considerable amount of food and supplements to the children. Below, you will find the report (PDF file) with photos of the children receiving their bag of food and supplements. We hope this will help compensate for their lack of vitamins and minerals so they can perform well in school.
If you’d like to write to your sponsored child and/or send a special gift or book to him/her, you can mail it directly to our address in Managua:
The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic, Inc.
Juan Vargas|
Sinsa Plaza Espana 1,Cuadra al Sur, 2 Cuadras Oeste.,
Casa Esquinera Mano Izquierda,
Bo. El Recreo
Managua, Nicaragua
The other option is that you write a letter, scan it, attach it to an email and send it to me. I will be glad to forward it to our team.
The children are extremely happy that they are receiving uniforms, notebooks, bags and food plus monthly visits to the doctor. Your support is really making a difference!
If you have any ideas on how to improve this program, please let us know. This is our first engagement with this type of program and we want to make sure it is a success.
If you think that one of your friends or family members would be interested in being part of this program, please forward this email to them and explain a little bit about it.
Best Regards,
Juan Muñoz
105 W Monument Street
Baltimore MD 21201