Dear Friends of the Roberto Clemente Health Clinic,
Happy May! We hope that this message finds you well and enjoying springtime. The month of April was very fruitful for us, so we have exciting news and updates about our volunteer abroad program. We were fortunate enough to have two groups of volunteers visit the clinic: a group of public health students from George Washington University and a brigade of doctors and specialists from Med4Nicaragua. Read the complete stories below, and please continue to support and follow us in our mission!
GWU’s Students Making a Difference in Nicaragua
Recently, GWU’s Global Health Network participated in an alternative Spring Break trip to the Roberto Clemente Health Clinic, a non-profit based in Nicaragua with offices in Baltimore. The group was comprised of 21 students, along with a pediatric medical resident from Children’s Hospital. The Clinic serves as a valuable asset in the rural area of southwest Nicaragua, where continuous access to electricity and safe drinking water is still rare. The Clinic makes an impact beyond health care services; it facilitates sustainable change by doing public health outreach at schools and in the community. They also offer volunteer opportunities to students, as well as professionals.
The students visited 6 different schools, distributing 300+ deworming pills, and educated children through ‘charlas,’interactive health lessons. These charlas consisted of stories, songs, and much more on topics like nutrition, hand-washing, hygiene, and diabetes.
Furthermore, the children were encouraged to answer questions and received prizes, including toothbrushes, pencils, and teddy bears. The volunteer team also purified 16 water wells, teaching local students to encourage sustainability. Additionally, the team participated in trash pick-up and medicine distribution. Other students helped paint the storage room of the clinic. Another volunteer, a pediatric resident, saw more than 30 patients, helping the clinic’s resident physician, Dr. Flores. Volunteers also helped the clinic’s pharmacist, facilitating the organization of the storage room. Finally, volunteers assisted in coordinating a children’s fair, which included piñatas and prizes,leaving the children cheerful and the volunteers satisfied.
Med4Nicaragua Team Joins Our Medical Volunteer Program Abroad
A team of medical professionals with Med4Nicaragua traveled to the rural community of Limon in southwest Nicaragua to volunteer their time, expertise, and services to local patients of the Roberto Clemente Health Clinic.
The group consisted of general surgeons, registered nurses, anesthesiologists, and an obstetrician/gynecologist surgeon. Together, the team performed a total of 32 surgeries throughout their stay.
The team, lead by Dr. Christine Brody, co-founder and team leader of Med4Nicaragua, and Dr. Adam Fierer, had the opportunity to interact with local surgeons at the Rivas Hospital, as well as The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic’s medical team in Nicaragua.
Testimonial: “Juan, it was a real pleasure to have connected with the RC Clinic. I realized a lifelong connection that I had to Clemente, and perhaps it gave me some closure over his last heroic deed and tragic death. I hope that we can continue to help the clinic thrive and grow in the years to come. I would love to spend more time at the clinic doing and teaching surgery once the OR dream is realized. I am honored to have been a part of it, and thank you all for what you have done there and will do in the future.” – Adam Fierer
Our volunteer program in Nicaragua is one the most complete and dynamic opportunities for medical professionals who want to travel with a purpose. We offer a huge range of activities, from interacting with patients to teaching young students and members of the community about public health issues. When you volunteer abroad in Nicaragua, you will have the pleasure of interacting with local residents of all ages who are in need, from children to seniors.
Since 2004, the Roberto Clemente Health Clinic has served as a positive agent for change, providing free, low-cost health services to the local community, including emergency and primary care, low cost dentistry and laboratory services, internal surgeries in certain trauma cases, and ambulance service to the nearest hospital when more advanced medical attention is needed. Our medical volunteer program is full of excellent opportunities to practice and learn in a ‘hands on’ experience abroad, even if you are still in school.
For more information, contact:
Julia Guth, Chair of the Board at 410-223-2630
[email protected]
or her assistant:
Lorena Cernadas at (410) 369-0512
[email protected]
Please visit our volunteer page!
Phone USA: 1-410-369-0512
Nicaragua: 8675-0100 (Spanish only)
If you would like to make a donation to our project please visit this link, you can also register to any of our program and be part of our dear supporters.
Remember to spread the word about the Roberto Clemente Health Clinic on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter (@Nicaclinic)!
Thank you for visiting,
Julia Guth
Chair of the Board
Roberto Clemente – Santa Ana Health Clinic