Our US Office
105 West Monument Street
Baltimore, Maryland
1 kilometro antes de Limon 1
Carratera Tola-Salinas,
Nicaragua: 011-505-8887-7413

Khizer Subhani I really enjoyed my stay and time at the Roberto Clemente Clinic. As soon we got there we were emerged into the culture and into the different tasks the clinic and community at large needed. It was very rewarding to see and meet the Nicaraguan people and hear about their struggles and...

Limón, Nicaragua: The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic is pleased to announce the recent visit of San Francisco State University nursing students who joined our Volunteer Program Overseas to expand our outreach program in the underprivileged community of Limon. They visited local public schools and taught the children proper hand washing, dental hygiene, and the importance of...

Limon 1, Nicaragua: For readers of this article, it might seem that easy access to a diagnostic ultrasound is the standard where you live but in Limon 1, Tola, a very poor and remote community in Nicaragua, an ultrasound is hard to find and can make the difference between life and death.   The Roberto Clemente Santa...

Dear amigo de la Clinica, Thank you for your generous donation and support for the Roberto Clemente Health Clinic in Nicaragua. Your donation will help us to support our project and provide high quality medical care for the low-income residents in the Tola region of Nicaragua. Your gift amount is greatly appreciated and an...

Baltimore, Maryland: Dr. Francis Guevara, Medical Director of The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic in Nicaragua, recently spent 2 weeks visiting the Clinic’s headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland. While there, she met vital members of the Clinic’s team, visited an outpatient surgery clinic and was able to experience the excitement of Washington D.C. When asked about her...

We grew and accomplished so much in 2013. Even as we move into 2014, let’s take time to review and celebrate both our challenges and successes of the past year. Take a look at our 2013 Annual Report for the details of our patient care, increased programming and staffing promotions, as well as letters from our Director...